Devil Girl from Mars

  • Science Fiction

Invasion from Outer Space!...Sights too weird to imagine! Destruction too monstrous to escape!

Eight people at a remote Scottish inn find themselves confronted by a woman from Mars, who has landed her flying saucer for repairs but intends to soon conquer the Earth and enslave its men for breeding purposes.




  • Wuchak

    Mars needs men!

    A Martian flying saucer inadvertently lands in the Scottish moors wherein the arrogant female occupant & her merciless robot harass the people at a remote Inn. It turns out, she needs male breeding stock!

    "Devil Girl from Mars" (1954) is a serious (not campy) B&W British sci-fi that borrows from The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) and The War of the Worlds (1953). It lacked the budget of those premier science-fictions and so the story is way less ambitious, but it still works in its one-note quaint way. The haughty Nyah (Patricia Laffan), the titular devil girl, is pretty babelicious on the female front, augmented by the presence of Hazel Court (Ellen) and Adrienne Corri (Doris).

    There are some interesting s...

    November 26, 2019


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