- The Salt of the Earth2014
- Documentary
- Piece by Piece2024
- Animation
- Music
- Bitter Lake2015
- Documentary
- Shotgun Baby2025
- Documentary
- A.2025
- Documentary
- Drama
- It's Not Me2024
- Drama
- aquarium i2025
- Documentary
- Es Para Un Videodiario2024
- Documentary
- All Light, Everywhere2021
- Documentary
- Tom Petty: Heartbreakers Beach Party2024
- Documentary
- Music
- Variations on Iserois Landscapes2024
- Documentary
- Nevermore Eleanor2024
- Fantasy
- Documentary
- Pavements2024
- Comedy
- Music
- Documentary
- i will grow old, and what will i remember?2024
- Documentary
- Phantasia2024
- Documentary
- Animation
- Drama
- Horror
- Walking2024
- Documentary
- Film Is. 1-61998
- Documentary
- Setting Sun2024
- Documentary
- A Real Hero2024
- Documentary
- Voicemails For The Unknown Receiver2024
- Documentary
- Drama
- Family