Piece by Piece

  • Animation
  • Music

Turn up the volume on your imagination.

A unique cinematic experience that invites audiences on a vibrant journey through the life of cultural icon Pharrell Williams. Told through the lens of LEGOÂź animation, turn up the volume on your imagination and witness the evolution of one of music's most innovative minds.





  • CJtheCollector

    I adored this movie

    For background info, I love Pharrell. He is my favorite artist and he has been for a long time now. My parents listen to that type of music so I got it from them. I love his music. So I was going in expecting a fun time with great music and I would probably learn a thing or two. But damn, I got so much more. I love the way Pharrell thinks. The way he sees life. It might seem crazy what I'm about to say but this movie changed my perspective on things. On life. The music was amazing just as expected. A lot of Pharrells music is nostalgic to me. So hearing these songs just made me feel so nostalgic. The movie is funny too. Not the funniest thing ever but it is funny at times. Guys, dont compare this to the other Lego mov...

    October 18, 2024
  • Geronimo1967

    Pharrell Williams has decided to tell us a story of his life thus far using Lego as the creative conduit. The Lego bit is quite impressive and creative, the rest of it is really neither here nor there. Perhaps that's because he is just too young to present us with a compendium of his achievments. The boy from Virginia Beach lucking out when a big noise producer spots his band "The Neptunes" and gives them a chance, his persistence to get noticed, the undulation of his fame, his struggles with success and failure, friendships and family. His increasingly pivotal position in African American culture is all laid out like a yellow brick road, bumps and all, but none of it is particularity interesting. It isn't that different from the story that...

    November 14, 2024
  • good.film

    Our full review here: good.film/guide/piece-by-piece-is-2024s-most-surprising-and-inspiring-movie

    Oscar-winner Morgan Neville's new music bio-documentary, PIECE BY PIECE is smart, uplifting and wondrous. The whole LEGO thing seems like a bizarre way to encapsulate of one of the millenniums most unpredictable musical talents, but it makes sensational sense when you get to know Pharrell and figure out how his mind ticks.

    Non-music fans might be tempted to wave Piece by Piece away, but with its focus on the energy we share and the space we occupy, its a surprisingly holistic experience for anyone. Its not so much a film about music as it is about inspiration, and the explosive kaleidoscope of visual creativity on screen truly makes Piece...

    December 11, 2024


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