Godzilla Minus One

  • Science Fiction
  • Horror
  • Action

Postwar Japan. From zero to minus.

In postwar Japan, Godzilla brings new devastation to an already scorched landscape. With no military intervention or government help in sight, the survivors must join together in the face of despair and fight back against an unrelenting horror.





  • fLeno

    Go watch as soon as it releases in your country!

    I was privileged enough to be in Tokyo the day they released this movie with English subtitles and I have to say that if you enjoy "monster" movies there is no way you won't like this Godzilla.

    The movie is set from the last days of WW2 to the early post-war. The nuclear bombs used in the Pacific gave Godzilla its super powers, and in the post war it decides to swim towards Tokyo, which of course results in a desperate attempt of stopping the monster. A former kamikaze pilot that had a previous traumatic encounter with Godzilla sees this as an opportunity to get revenge. Apart from a few dialogs and actions from the authors that are more suitable to the Japanese than the American au...

    December 1, 2023
  • msbreviews

    FULL SPOILER-FREE REVIEW @ https://fandomwire.com/godzilla-minus-one-review/

    "Godzilla Minus One strikes an outstanding balance between compelling character building, a thematically rich narrative, and two hours of gargantuan entertainment, ultimately becoming a noteworthy addition to the monster film subgenre.

    It breaks the formulaic barriers of generic creature flicks by delivering a layered story that explores themes of redemption, forgiveness, and the aftermath of war. The memorable score, powerful sound design, and exquisite visuals contribute to a cinematic experience that is both thrilling and emotionally resonant.

    While the lead acting occasionally falters into melodrama, it does little to diminish the overall impact of a m...

    December 5, 2023
  • ChrisSawin

    Godzilla Minus One is not only one of the best films out of the 30-plus in the series, but also one of the best films of the year. The acting is superb, the destruction is immense and incredible, and the gnarly Godzilla design is fantastic. Its ridiculous, if true, that this film only has a budget of $15 million because it looks better than most Hollywood blockbusters.

    Full review: bit.ly/kamikaiju

    December 13, 2023
  • Geronimo1967

    "Shikishima" (Ryunosuke Kamiki) is a man with some guilt. He was a kamikaze pilot towards the end of WWII who feigned some technical problems with his plane and so landed and survived! Now, Japan is defeated and in ruins and he is feels a deep sense if shame. He manages to find a job in a wooden-hulled boat trying to collect up from the sea all the mines laid by the Allies and the Japanese alike, and it's whilst they are at sea they discover a toxic creature that has been born out of the ashes of the atom bomb. This creature is bent on destruction and nothing mankind has in it's arsenal can even dent this leviathan that possesses a deadly blue ray than can obliterate all in it's path. It heads to the land wreaking devastation and so the sci...

    December 25, 2023
  • Sweet0Girl

    So good!

    I have been watching Godzilla movies as long as I can remember. Most are enjoyable and enteretaining except the 1998 American made one. It's one of the worse movies I have ever seen.

    This movie has no right to be as good as it is! But it is good. Very good and a great movie to celebrate the 70th anniversay of the most well known kaiju in the world. Must be seen on the big screen.

    I didn't know a Godzilla movie could pack an emotional punch the way this film did. It's a testament to the writing and acting in this film. Kamiki Ryunosuke, Hamabe Minami, Yamada Yuki, Aoki Munetaka, Yoshioka Hidetaka, Ando Sakura and Sasaki Kuranosuke. I'm listing all the actotrs here b/c everyone played their roles well. I also, must shout...

    January 8, 2024
  • whitsbrain

    This is one of the very best Godzilla movies ever made. There's a really good human story and every moment that Godzilla is on-screen is great. The post-WWII setting absolutely adds to the desperation of the main characters and the dread of having to once again survive an attacking force, this time in the form of a beast that isn't protecting the Earth or any such nonsense. Godzilla is a force of nature (or science) that doesn't care about anything or anyone.

    The only drawbacks of this movie are an irritatingly manipulative moment (tugboats) and a couple of unbelievably coincidental reunions.

    January 30, 2024
  • MovieGuys

    Godzilla Minus One, is a poignant anti war film as much as it is a monster flick.

    I agree with other reviewers that this is by far and away the best Godzilla film I have seen, bar none. What makes it work is a genuinely moving back story of a man broken by war, redeemed through an act of courage in the service of love, the bonds of family and ultimately life itself.

    Acting is superb, with flawlessly honest, very human performances, from the entire cast.

    Godzilla effects are well done too. The destruction and the misery the monster brings to Japanese cities and their populace, is genuinely disturbing.

    In summary, I loved this film more for its back story than its monster tale. Indeed, in the context of this film, Godzilla fee...

    May 3, 2024
  • Sejian

    The best Godzilla movie ever and one of the best movies of 2023? Eh, maybe.

    I don't have the long sordid history of watching every Godzilla movie to ever exist. My first exposure to Godzilla was Godzilla 1998. Yep, I loved watching that sleek reptilian dinosaur tear through Manhattan and to this day I am still envious of the cab driver with that 6 inch Godzilla action figure hanging from his rearview mirror. What can I say, I love dinosaurs!

    Compared to Godzilla 2014 and the sequels, this at least has a coherent plot with not that many stupid characters doing the stupid. It has some silly dialog and "the plan" is kinda dumb and requires Godzilla to lack any spatial awareness but OK, 2014 did more stupid with that nuclear warhead so, I...

    May 3, 2024
  • Brent_Marchant

    In the interest of full disclosure, Ive never been a fan of Japanese monster movies, and, considering how many times the Godzilla story has been told so far, Ive never been particularly interested in seeing any of them (after all, how many different variations can realistically be incorporated into the big guys single-minded mythos?). In any event, I relented in this case, because I was admittedly curious to see the films Oscar-winning visual effects, which, in all honesty, werent bad (though definitely not outstanding how this picture bested the far-superior visuals of The Creator truly baffles me). However, capable special effects and production design considerations aside (the basis for the generous ratings Ive given to this title), thi...

    June 8, 2024
  • oswaldovzki

    Contain Spoilers

    "Gojira -1.0" is a visually stunning film that rightfully earned its Academy Award for Best Visual Effects. The movie's impressive sound design and solid acting further elevate its entertainment value. However, it falls short in some key areas, particularly in its direction and emotional payoff.

    The visual effects in "Gojira -1.0" are nothing short of spectacular. From the realistic physics to the terrifyingly detailed explosions caused by Gojira's atomic breath, every frame is crafted with precision. The depiction of Gojira itself is a highlight, staying true to the original bulky yet menacing design without appearing comical. This attention to detail creates a believable and immersive experience that keeps you e...

    June 17, 2024


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