Planet of the Apes

  • Science Fiction
  • Adventure
  • Drama
  • Action

Somewhere in the Universe, there must be something better than man!

Astronaut Taylor crash lands on a distant planet ruled by apes who use a primitive race of humans for experimentation and sport. Soon Taylor finds himself among the hunted, his life in the hands of a benevolent chimpanzee scientist.





  • tmdb29300086


    I frst saw this film on its first run on CBS. I was in junior high and a hard core sci-fi fan. I was hooked from the first scene. Written by the late great Rod Serling based on the novel by Pierre Boulle, the story is very engaging. After we are introduced to an ANSA Mission Commander named Colonel Taylor, we are treated to a roller-coaster type sequence as we see the re-entry and crash of Taylor's ship subjectively; as if we were aboard her. The abandon ship scenes are still impressive even by today's standards. It's very easy to believe we are seeing a real spacecraft crashed in the water. The next sequence basically establishes Taylor's personality. To be blunt, he is an arrogant jerk. He mentions hoping to find somet...

    February 20, 2017
  • John Chard

    I'm a seeker, too. But my dreams aren't like yours. I can't help thinking that somewhere in the universe there has to be something better than man. Has to be.

    Planet of the Apes is directed by Franklin J. Schaffner and adapted to screenplay by Michael Wilson and Rod Serling from the 1963 Pierre Boulle novel La planete des singes. It stars Charlton Heston, Roddy McDowall, Kim Hunter, Maurice Evans, James Whitmore, James Daly and Linda Harrison. Music is scored by Jerry Goldsmith and Leon Shamroy is the cinematographer.

    3978 A.D. and a spaceship and its crew crash down on a distant planet. Three astronauts survive the crash, they appear to be on a planet not unlike their own, Earth. But soon they come to learn that this planet is ruled ...

    December 22, 2018
  • nutshell

    A sci-fi film so groundbreaking (in too many ways to list here) let's suffice it to say that everything that came after it owes the film a debt as large as Kubrick's 2001, also made in '68. Anyone who enjoyed the recent reboot trilogy needs to seek this one out.

    August 3, 2019
  • DanDare

    The writers turned a not very good novel into an allegory on race and religion.

    It also takes an nuclear stance which makes an impact in its finale.

    Charlton Heston is Taylor. An astronaut, part of a crew of four on a long term space mission.

    They crash landed in what looks like a deserted planet. Soon they encounter some hunter/gatherer human beings who do not speak. Then he finds apes on horseback who speak English.

    The apes treat the humans like animals. Taylor is injured by the apes and is unable to speak at first.

    A female ape who is a zoologist is shocked when Taylor speaks. The other apes see him as a threat. Taylor being able to talk and think is against what the apes have been taught. The answer lies in the forbidden...

    December 19, 2019
  • r96sk

    Having seen all three films from the rebooted series, I came into watching the original series expecting something relatively similar. To my pleasant surprise, it's a very different story.

    It's a fascinating dynamic that is set up in this version, which I in fact prefer compared to the films from the 2010s - as entertaining as they are in their own right. It's nicely paced and features good cinematography.

    The cast of 1968's 'Planet of the Apes' are very good. Charlton Heston, as you might expect, sticks out the most, but Roddy McDowall, Kim Hunter and Maurice Evans are good too. Everyone else is solid, as well.

    The effects haven't aged amazingly, for example the ape make-up/costumes are dated and clunky - particularly when the cha...

    February 25, 2022
  • Geronimo1967

    It seems that this film is almost as famous for the folks who didn't take part - Marlon Brando, Edward G. Robinson, Steve McQueen and even Ingrid Bergman, as for it's achievements as a thought provoking piece of cinema. I have always found that Charlton Heston's delivery tended a touch to theatrical monologue; but it really does work in this existential sci-fi story. Returning from a space voyage to Earth several thousand years after they left, the crew discover a planet (they are not even sure which one) ruled over by apes with their own sophisticated, hierarchical, though still agrarian, society. Heston is soon captured but luckily falls under the protection of two curiously-minded scientists "Zira" (Kim Hunter) and "Cornelius" (Roddy McD...

    June 3, 2023
  • moard

    Dramatic and adventurous

    The Planet of the Apes (1968) is a fantastic movie that delivers a real experience to the viewer. There is no excuse for anyone not to enjoy this movie. Taylor and his friends land in the spaceship in a land ruled by damn dirty apes. If you havent seen this, its shameful. 9-10.

    November 19, 2023


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