When a grumpy horror star is raised from the dead by an occultist
After a horror icons death (Ferdy Mayne), seven drama students steal his corpse from the mausoleum to party at a Los Angeles mansion. Unfortunately for them, his widow consults a spiritualist and the man is resurrected but not in a good mood toward his young fans.
Shot in 1981 but not released until 1983,"Frightmare" is colorful 80s horror in the mold of One Dark Night (1982) and Fright Night (1985). Protagonist Luca Bercovici (Saint) is reminiscent of Roger Daltrey from 10 years earlier, only taller.
Carlene Olson (Eve) is a highlight in the female department and the flicks worth catching just for her. Donna McDaniel (Donna) and Jennifer Starrett (Meg) are al...