You're Next

  • Horror
  • Thriller
  • Mystery

Did You Remember To Lock Your Door?

When the Davison family comes under attack during their wedding anniversary getaway, the gang of mysterious killers soon learns that one of their victims harbors a secret talent for fighting back.





  • lucas.scott

    Stereotypes exist for a reason. Without them, You're Next would have very little to work with. Luckily the film uses what would be eye-rolling moments and turns them on their heads. It had a rather nestalgic feel, while feeling fresh at the same time. Solid effects and passable acting makes this a must for any genre fan.

    September 9, 2013
  • Rangan

    A messed up family, cleaned up by an outsider!

    This kind of films is usually low rated by me. It's very rare that I find one good film and that happened to be this one. I was braced for another disappointment, then I totally got surprised when it reached half way mark. Good twist too. In fact, there are many twists in the final quarters. Not like breathtaking, but very acceptable with kind of story and characters it had.

    Another home invasion film. A family reunites for the parent's wedding anniversary at their rural vacation house. Slowly all the children arrive with their life partners, and then suddenly while dining, the attack takes place. Creates full of chaos, the family does not know what to do. But one of the members' reta...

    February 4, 2018
  • John Chard

    You're Next is directed by Adam Wingard and written by Simon Barrett. It stars Sharni Vinson, Nicholas Tucci, Wendy Glenn, A.J. Bowen and Joe Swanberg. Music is by Mads Heldtberg and cinematography by Andrew Palermo. Bloody and bloody good fun!

    The Davison family and partners meet up for a family reunion at a remote holiday home and quickly find that their inner issues are the least of their worries.

    The splinter of horror that encompasses home invasion, that most terrifying of subject matters, has had enough filmic entries to actually fill a house! So when another one comes along with good hype and a promise of reinvigorating the formula, it's cause for horror film fans to start salivating.

    You're Next doesn't reinvent anything, ...

    October 28, 2018
  • Ruuz

    The following is a long-form review that I originally wrote in 2013.

    Though initially shown in 2011, You're Next has only just gained a theatrical release in the past month. A release for which I'm very glad. Being in Australia, a horror movie in cinema is not common, there's rarely if ever more than two showing at the same time, and very often none.

    Stylistically it blends a lot of cliche business with some much more out there and alternative ideas. The cinematography is not unlike that of The Strangers (plus there's some similarity in events) and the vibe reminded me of the Saw franchise (though the events themselves most certainly did not). The result is a film that is oddly both a predictable and completely atypical horror.


    July 26, 2020
  • r96sk

    It has a lot going for it, but the parts that aren't quite so positive drag it down a lot.

    The horror aspects of 'Youre Next' are good. All the deaths are pretty neat, with the villains certainly look the part. Sharni Vinson is memorable in the lead role of Erin, but she's really the only cast member that I enjoyed in this.

    The set-up, character decisions and ultimate twist are dreadful. I have a decent threshold of ignoring when characters do dumb things, but this film takes the biscuit in that regard. I was questioning so much of what they all do, to the point it got irritating. Some of the editing and camera work isn't great either.

    Going back to the cast. Vinson is definitely the best person onscreen, her character turns into a...

    October 29, 2020
  • mooney240

    What would happen if the main character of a horror movie wasnt a moron? Youre Next answers that question with entertaining violence and clever stereotype subversion.

    Youre Next begins as a typical horror slasher with an isolated group of family/friends falling under attack from masked axe-wielding murderers, but a couple of twists and turns along the way set this movie apart. The true stand-out that makes Youre Next so much more interesting than any other slasher is that the female lead is not a stereotypical inept final girl but a strong, capable survivalist, much more than the killers bargained. Youre Next is brutal, gore-filled, and dark but satisfies by turning many horror stereotypes on their head with characters actually makin...

    August 27, 2022
  • TitanGusang

    Youre Next is a classic slasher film that has brutal kills and suspense, but suffers with a lackluster story and disappointing performances.

    The story here is pretty generic with a group of unknown assailants brutally invading a home. There are some twists that the writers attempt to put into it, but most of them are pretty predictable and lack any serious shock.The plot uses the same trope that is used in countless horror films of our lead character luckily having some type of background training that allows her to be able to expertly defend herself. It is fine, but there is something terrifying about seeing an everyday person being thrown into these scenarios.

    The performances are pretty bad across the board. Sharni Vinson does a gr...

    February 17, 2023


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