The Mountain Men

  • Adventure
  • Western
  • Drama


The story concerns two grizzled mountain men -- Bill Tyler and Henry Frapp -- during the dying days of the fur-trapping era. The plot begins when Running Moon runs away from her abusive husband Heavy Eagle and comes across the two seedy fur trappers. The mountain men take her in, unaware that Heavy Eagle has dispatched an army of Indian braves to reclaim her.





  • Wuchak

    Comic booky adult Western about you guessed it mountain men

    Two bickering mountain men in 1838 (Charlton Heston and Brian Keith) are fun-loving best friends who haven't seen each other for a couple of winters and the former is disheartened to discover that the market for beaver pelts has gone sour. Together they trap, fight Blackfeet and party at a mountain rendezvous. When Tyler (Heston) acquires a Blackfoot woman named Running Moon (Victoria Racimo) her ex, a ruthless warrior named Heavy Eagle (Stephen Macht), wants her back and will kill to get her.

    "The Mountain Men" (1980) has a bad reputation with critics, but is generally appreciated by Western fans. Due to its subject matter it's not a conventional Western. There are n...

    August 7, 2023


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