The Last Son

  • Western
  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Drama

A prophecy written in blood.

Isaac LeMay, a murderous outlaw, learns he is cursed by a prophecy: one of his children will kill him. To prevent this, he hunts down each of his estranged children, including long-lost son Cal. With bounty hunters and Sheriff Solomon on his tail, LeMay must find a way to stop his children and end the curse.





  • tmdb28039023

    The Last Son is a western that puts on airs of Greek tragedy, complete with self-fulfilling prophecies, incest, filicide, and parricide. Its also divided into chapters, emulating the episodes in a Greek drama. And in lieu of a choir, we get a voiceover narration. Screenwriter Greg Johnson and director Tim Sutton know the words but not the music.

    Of all the possible Greek tragic elements, the one this movie lacks the most, and without which the rest are worthless, is pathos. The characters fail to inspire empathy because they are never anything more than archetypes.

    Heather Graham is a Whore with a Heart of Gold and a Sh*t for Brains (but then everyone here is more or less obtuse). Thomas Jane is a white man raised by Indians, which ma...

    August 28, 2022


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