Doctor Sleep

  • Horror
  • Thriller
  • Fantasy

Return to the Overlook.

Still scarred by the trauma he endured as a child at the Overlook Hotel, Dan Torrance faces the ghosts of the past when he meets Abra, a courageous teen who desperately needs his help -- and who possesses a powerful extrasensory ability called the "shine".





  • msbreviews

    If you enjoy reading my Spoiler-Free reviews, please follow my blog :)

    There's this misconceived idea that "scary movies" are the ones with demons, monsters, or ghosts literally showing up in jump scare sequences, one after another, accompanied by an extremely loud sound. Granted, we're scared of what we're scared of. No debate here. However, one common complaint about this type of horror films is that they aren't "scary enough". I couldn't disagree more. These movies are the ones that truly get to us and stay with us for a while. If we watch a film with cyclical jump scares, we're going to forget about it as soon as we leave the theater. Movies with a horrific story, based on relatable themes, those are the ones that leave us uncomforta...

    October 31, 2019
  • maketheSWITCH

    Doctor Sleep could go either way with The Shining fans - some will see it as a perfect follow-up, others will deem it too different (which I think is a good thing). Doctor Sleep works as both and also stands on its own; you could fill in the blanks pretty easily if you had never read or seen the original film. Its a fun supernatural horror film aided by fantastic performances by Ferguson and Curran.

    • Chris dos Santos

    Read Chris' full article...

    November 4, 2019
  • themoviediorama

    Doctor Sleep may not diagnose you to the land of nod, but tediously drains your shining spirit. Director Mike Flanagan had an unfathomable task. To both adapt a Stephen King novel, which is no easy achievement considering his uniquely descriptive writing style, and provide a sequel to what many describe as the greatest horror film of all-time. Quenching the thirst of Kings avid readers and cinephiles alike. So even without divulging my own opinion on Doctor Sleep, applause must be given for just producing this feature. That, unfortunately for Flanagan, doesnt result in myself excusing specific inexcusable filmmaking tendencies that taint, not just Doctor Sleep, but various decaying intellectual properties that have been unnecessarily drudge...

    January 16, 2020
  • MatthewL.Brady

    Hi there

    Hello there...

    Mike Flanagan has some of the biggest balls in the horror industry. I mean just look at his filmography so far.

    He took one of the worst horror movies in recent memory Ouija and said: yeah, I wanna make a sequel to that, with Ouija: Origin of Evil and somehow made it less terrible. How about Haunting of Hill House where hes going to direct every episode of a television series that has to weave two narratives together at once over ten episodes...and again he somehow made it work. And now this guy is gonna make a sequel to one of the most revered horror movies of all time with Doctor Sleep...the son of b**ch did it again!

    I think Flanagan deserves more credit as a director rather than people bitching that h...

    January 27, 2020
  • JPV852

    Partially satisfying "sequel" (of sorts) to the Shining with good performances from Ewan McGregor and Kyliegh Curran (while Rebecca Ferguson kind of hams it up, but still was fun as a villainous). However, the movie is far too long with probably 15-20 minutes that could've gotten the axe (so to speak), and the plot was The Shining meets X-Men with some Monsters Inc thrown in for good measure.

    Didn't hate it at all, but not sure I have much desire to revisit, though I have to wonder what else they threw in there with the 3-hour long Director's Cut. 3.0/5

    February 18, 2020
  • Kamurai

    Fantastic watch, will watch again, and do recommend.

    I honestly wasn't excited about this one, so my expectations were low. I didn't realize it was Stephen King, let alone a sequel to "The Shining" until I watched it. I'm also not a big fan of "The Shining", but I haven't watched it since I learned to watch a movie critically.

    After hearing about "shining" from everyone, I immediately got excited when I realize that was what this movie was all about. I've been waiting for this movie since "Push". This movie is honestly what "Star Wars: Episode I" should have been. This is how you give an explanation of how super powers work on a large scale: you tell a story that examples it, "do not say", it is how movies are supposed to work. ...

    August 7, 2020
  • GenerationofSwine

    The problem here is that they made a sequel to the 1980 movie... and not a sequel to King's book.

    And, let's be honest, as good as Stanley's film was, it really had little to do with Kings novel. Almost The Shining in name only. So many changes were made, right down to the theme, that it barely resembled the book.

    So, when they made the sequel to the movie, and not the novel, a lot of the elements that made the Doctor Sleep compelling, a lot of the plot points, and a lot of the twists and turns that made the novel worth reading had to be changed in order to keep continuity with Kubrick's changes.

    The result is really kind of a mess. So much of what Doctor Sleep was referenced back to The Shining, the novel, that trying to adapt the...

    January 11, 2023


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