
  • Drama
  • History

Every fairy tale ends.

During her Christmas holidays with the royal family at the Sandringham estate in Norfolk, England, Diana decides to leave her marriage to Prince Charles.





  • msbreviews

    I knew absolutely nothing about this movie beforehand. I heard/read extraordinarily positive reactions that definitely elevated my expectations. And my actual knowledge about Princess Diana and her life was and still is extremely basic. Spencer is one of those rare examples where going into it completely blind didn't work in my favor at all. I found myself trying to look for something to grab on to, and despite some genuinely outstanding technical attributes, Steven Knight's (Locked Down) screenplay doesn't offer me enough to hold my attention.

    Spencer is undoubtedly a fictional character piece that only stands on its feet due to one of the year's most mesmerizing lead performances. Kristen Stewart (Underwater), an actress who still gets...

    November 5, 2021
  • M_i_c_h_a_e_l

    An enigmatic actress full of baggage plays one of the most enigmatic people of the 20th century who had a bit of acting to do herself.

    Dianas stories are far too plentiful for one film - or even a series of them - so the film wisely keeps to only one chapter.

    Its a slow meditation with lots of time spent on expansive and beautiful shots of an ugly situation.

    The big question for this film is the choice of the lead: How on earth did such as American actress like Stewart play someone dealing with the successors of the House of Stewart? Stewart shows the skills to pull it off with lots of breathlessness. Stewart spends the time being on the verge of cracking for the whole of the film and it's an impressive sight.

    Stewart's Diana st...

    January 25, 2022
  • badelf

    If I were a royalty groupie, I might have enoyed this film. But I'm not. And I did not enoy this film at all. It's only saving grace is that it's technically well done.

    February 1, 2022
  • bastag

    Full Analysis at Spotamovie.com - Intro - With one Oscar Nominee and 33 Awards won, Spencer is a must-watch. It's the time when Lady D. changed her story and our one. - The Story - Its December 1991, and the location is the Sandringham Estate in Norfolk. The Royal family meets to celebrate the three days of Christmas, strictly according to tradition. However, the peace and perfection of the residence are in contrast with the tumultuous mind of Diana and the delusions of the family. Rumours about infidelity and divorce on her marriage increase, as well as her mental health troubles. What is going to happen? How is Diana going to deal with the Royals and her mind? And why is this one a fable? - Watch the trailer and find out wi...

    March 2, 2022
  • Geronimo1967

    Kristin Stewart could certainly not be accused of being half-hearted here. She immerses herself completely in this depiction of a rather unstable woman dealing with the pressures of her fame and her family. The extent of any authenticity as to the feelings and experiences by the real life Princess is anyone's guess, so though I did appreciate her effort, I felt the rest of the film took a rather uncompromising view on other people who are either dead, or unable to retaliate against this somewhat one-sided portrayal of a scenario that all concerned have subsequently admitted was way more nuanced and complex than presented in this overly-simplistic depiction. It doesn't help that the opening scenes purport to be Queen Elizabeth's Sandringham ...

    March 27, 2022
  • beyondthecineramadome

    Full review: <a>https://www.tinakakadelis.com/beyond-the-cinerama-dome/2021/12/28/you-owe-kristen-stewart-an-apology-spencer-review<a>

    Its crazy to think that Kristen Stewart is the only American actress to ever receive a César Award, and yet when I say her name, most people will only remember her in Twilight.

    June 20, 2022


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