Woman in Chains

  • Drama
  • Romance
  • Thriller


Gallery director Stanislas bolsters the development of modern art with his collection of surprising works. His newest acquisition is a sculpture by Gilbert, whose wife Josée is captivated by Stanislas. But unbeknownst to her, Stanislas is amassing photographs of a very perverse, disturbed nature.



      • Geronimo1967

        This has quite a complex plot from which we start even before Henri-Georges Clouzot stars messing with our heads... Laurent Terzieff ("Stan") is a wealthy, somewhat voyeuristic gallery owner/photographer who has oddly passionate - yet physically sterile relationships with women. Elisabeth Weiner (Josée) is a woman, married to an unfaithful artist, who becomes enthralled by Terzieff and is soon completely under his control as she tries to construct a television documentary about him and his art. There is a languor to the delivery of this story; but that lends to the wonderfully potent sense of sexual frustration; ambiguity and uncertainty. The characters are pretty unpleasant, it has to be said - especially the rather venal, ambitious husban...

        June 3, 2023
