The Dog Who Wouldn't Be Quiet

  • Drama


Sebastian, a man in his thirties, works a series of temporary jobs and embraces love at every opportunity. He transforms, through a series of short encounters, as the world flirts with possible apocalypse.





  • msbreviews

    If you enjoy reading my Spoiler-Free reviews, please follow my blog @

    I'm not entirely sure, but The Dog Who Wouldn't Be Quiet is probably the shortest feature film of this year's Sundance. On one hand, it's an extremely fast viewing, which inevitably reaches a broader audience that can spread the word about the movie. On the other hand, it risks its story and characters in the sense that these could lack proper development. Ana Katz's direction is definitely a standout, employing a gorgeous black-and-white to elevate a story about human resilience and perseverance.

    A non-stop series of adverse events affects Sebastian's life, but he always finds a way of moving on, dealing with the most damaging, hurtful o...

    February 1, 2021
  • screenzealots

    The resilience of the everyman is explored in The Dog Who Wouldnt Be Quiet, Ana Katzs beautiful black and white film that chronicles how a life changes over the years. Bringing humor, sadness, heart, and a little dash of sci-fi, Katz and co-writer Gonzalo Delgado tell a story about transformation in a world that always seems to be changing.

    Sebastian (Daniel Katz) loves his loyal dog, Rita. After he brings her to the office one day to appease his neighbors who are tired of hearing her canine cries while hes at work, Sebastian is fired. He and his furry companion pack up to go work on a farm so they can live as they please. But after an accident (which is told through sorrowful hand-drawn animation), Sebastian finds himself homeless and a...

    March 9, 2021


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