Nothing Underneath

  • Thriller
  • Mystery
  • Horror
  • Crime


Bob Crane has long maintained a psychic connection to his twin sister, Jessica, who works as a fashion model in Milan. When Bob senses that his sister might be injured or killed, he travels to Italy to look for her, only to discover that she's vanished without a trace. Enlisting the help of about-to-retire Commissioner Danesi, Bob soon finds himself embroiled in a web of mystery and terror, when a scissors wielding killer begins to strike and all clues lead back to Jessica...




  • GenerationofSwine

    I THINK that I am reviewing the correct movie, the one I caught on HBO when I was in my early teens and staying up too late to try and record Robot Jox (or some equally cheap Sci-Fi) only to put the tape on long play, hit record, and fall asleep on the couch recording hours of HBO, for one movie, with the world's most complicated VHS machine.

    Anyway, that's how I caught it, and, honestly, it was honestly a much better than Robot Jox... even if it was a totally different genera.

    To sum it up, a male and female twin with a psychic connection bring us into a murder/mystery with surprisingly good camera work, and fun and over the top slasher style murders... you know, a giallo.

    And giallo always felt like the chap pulp novels that deco...

    January 11, 2023


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