Roman Serpico, sort of
Released in 1976, The Cop in Blue Jeans is a loner-cop thriller in the mold of Dirty Harry (1971) and Serpico (1973). The titular protagonist even looks like Serpico. The difference is that this is an Italian production directed & co-written by Bruno Corbucci. The plot revolves around an undercover cop named Nico Giraldi (Tomas Milian) who arrests several thugs of the purse snatching variety and zeroes-in on the mastermind of the ring (Jack Palance).
The Italian title is Squadra Antiscippo, which means Swindle Squad and I assume refers to the theft ring. Anyway, the movies an interesting way to observe the more obscure parts of Rome in the mid-70s. The storys relatively compelling and theres a lot of under...