Bram Stoker's Dracula

  • Romance
  • Horror

Love Never Dies.

In the 19th century, Dracula travels to London and meets Mina, a young woman who appears as the reincarnation of his lost love.





  • J4stringthang

    This Seductive, Thrilling, love story has some Bite! Based from the book and is a true masterpiece. Gary Oldman plays Dracula and simply makes this movie. His obsession with Winona Ryder characters is relentless and heart chilling. Don't worry Keanu Reeves doesn't ruin it, he actually did a great job. Anthony Hopkins plays the role of Dr. Van Helsing. We all know his story now thanks to Hugh Jackman. Some brief nudity and a HOT scene with Winona as she runs though the garden in her PJ's. Not only do I gave Bram Stoker's Dracula 5 stars, BUT I rate it in my Top 10 all-time. MUST SEE!

    February 6, 2014
  • tanty

    The script is an unevenly good adaptation of the novel. It resolves better Dracula's aims and motivations through the love story. Also, it provides a more understandable glue to join the 4 men chasing Dracula from a XXth century point of view and removes unimportant characters having a more "round" story.

    However, due to some changes certain parts are now incoherent since they were not properly adapted to the other changes. In addition, other parts are totally impossible to follow due to the amount of details only commented quickly along the movie.

    Costumes and general artistic work is superb but it drives the movie to some extreme stravaganza that, in the case of the actors' performances make some parts of the movie completely overa...

    October 6, 2014
  • talisencrw

    Although it certainly won't make you easily forget earlier interpretations of the seminal horrific character by Max Schreck, Bela Lugosi, Sir Christopher Lee or Klaus Kinski, Gary Oldman definitely finds a way under your skin. As well, the resoundingly sumptuous cinematography will sweep you off your feet--unless you're dead to begin with... =)

    March 7, 2016
  • John Chard

    Gets worse on repeat viewings.

    Francis Ford Coppola's take on the Dracula legend sees Gary Oldman as the Count, who as a warrior prince returns from battle to find his true love, who after believing him to have been killed, has committed suicide. Renouncing his Christianity he pledges to return from the death to enact revenge on humanity. Century's later he is back to keep his word but becomes infatuated with Mina (Winona Ryder) who bears a resemblance to his long dead true love.

    Forget the Bram Stoker bit, this is liberty taken wholesale, and forget any notion of this being a scary Dracula movie, for this is Gothic romance opulence. There is no doubting that as a production design goes, it's top dollar, costumes, photography, score,...

    February 17, 2020
  • Geronimo1967

    Gary Oldman is super in this hammy reimagining of the tale of the legendary Count Dracula. Having lured his lawyer - the unsuspecting, and frankly rather insipid, "Harker" (Keanu Reeves) to his Transylvanian Castle he employs cunning and guile to use him to acquire "Carfax Abbey" in England. He also has designs on the young man's glamorous fiancée "Mina" (Winona Ryder) and is soon set to acquire much more than just the eerie stately pile. Luckily, "Prof. Van Helsing" (Anthony Hopkins) is on hand to help our rather hapless hero and perhaps they can thwart the evil intentions of their vampiric visitor? Francis Ford Coppola presents us here with a highly stylised interpretation of the legend. At times it does border on the Hammer style of prod...

    October 20, 2022


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