The Player

  • Mystery
  • Drama
  • Thriller
  • Comedy
  • Crime

Everything you've heard is true!

A Hollywood studio executive is being sent death threats by a writer whose script he rejected - but which one?





  • FilipeManuelNeto

    A remarkable work.

    This is one of those films that I decided to watch without having a clear idea of ​​what I was going to find. I know that there are many people who like to know, read and even watch the trailers to decide what to watch, and I also do this moderately, but one of the sensations I like most in the cinematic experience is surprise, that feeling of pleasure, difficult to describe, that happens when a film pleases us and surprises us. Of course, the opposite could happen, the surprise could be bad, and the film could be magnificent rubbish. It happens! But I think you understand me...

    Robert Altmann is not a director I know much about. As far as I remember, I've only seen one film of his, Shortcuts, and I wasn't parti...

    June 9, 2024
  • Geronimo1967

    Its the job of Griffin (Tim Robbins) to secure good storylines for his Hollywood studio and hes good at filtering out the wheat from the chaff. The thing is, though, hes getting on a bit and there are rumours abounding that he is on his way out. When Levy (Peter Gallagher) arrives from an erstwhile competitor, the writing looks more like its on the wall than on the page. Hes also been having some difficulties with a mysterious stalker whom hes spurned, professionally, at some stage and who is now bombarding him with threatening postcards. Finally, theres his more off than on relationship of convenience with Bonnie (Cynthia Stevenson) to which he is surprisingly indifferent. Under pressure and under siege, his tormentor starts to get under h...

    March 5, 2025


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