News of the World

  • Drama
  • Western
  • Adventure

Find where you belong.

A Texan traveling across the wild West bringing the news of the world to local townspeople, agrees to help rescue a young girl who was kidnapped.





  • garethmb

    Tom Hanks and Director Paul Greengrass have combined to create a truly moving and memorable western which is one of the best films of 2020.

    Hanks stars as Captain Kidd; a former Confederate Captain making his way in occupied Texas in the post-Civil-War era. Kidd travels from town to town reading various newspaper stories of interest to gathered locals who are too busy or unable to read the news and look forward to his lively interpretations of news of interest on a local and national level.

    On his way to his next location; Kidd comes upon a fair skinned blonde girl wearing Native American clothing and speaking a tribal dialect he does not understand. The fact that their cart has been overturned and a lone male is hanging from a tree l...

    December 24, 2020
  • 251Family

    One of the MOST boring attempts at making a Western by a Top shelf actor to date.. Hollywood really needs to come to grips with fact they NO longer have what it takes to make these kind of films...and havnt for a few years now...

    Now continue on with the worlds dieing films, or Zombies, or female assassins, or better yet the ANTIFA genre of destroying neighborhoods and hating this country... The whole anti white male genre is a real boomer... but they need to stay away from Westerns... seriously.. For starters... your fresh out of masculine leading men that will work on a crappy script....

    Ya this is one genre that is lost to the arts

    January 20, 2021
  • narrator56

    This doesnt happen very often, but I actually read their book this movie was based on. I enjoy both. There were a couple of changes I noticed, but I wasnt offended by them. With one it seemed they had Captain Kidd escape a jam with a speech rather than an explosion, and it worked for me.

    This is a quirky western and, as such, often ridiculed by western movie fans. It isnt a classic in my book, but if it came on while I was eating (we multi-task by combining meals with movies), I wouldnt feel the need to lean down to pick the controller up off the floor to change channels. I would let it run.

    I wasnt surprised to see a few racist reviews on IMDB, but one comment on this website raised my eyebrows. Signs of the times, I guess.

    May 12, 2021


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