
  • Mystery
  • Science Fiction

Don't look back.

Nicolas Bannister, a rugged and solitary veteran living in a near-future Miami flooded by rising seas, is an expert in a dangerous occupation: he offers clients the chance to relive any memory they desire. His life changes when he meets a mysterious young woman named Mae. What begins as a simple matter of lost and found becomes a passionate love affair. But when a different client's memories implicate Mae in a series of violent crimes, Bannister must delve through the dark world of the past to uncover the truth about the woman he fell for.






    An interesting combination of science fiction and film noir. Not a perfect film - it drags in spots - but it is enjoyable if you're a sci-fi or noir fan.

    The performances were solid. Rebecca Ferguson pulls off a very good femme fatale but the whole cast deserves a slow clap.

    Lisa Joy, director/writer, shows that she certainly has talent even though the movie is not a home run. Call it a solid double. She's definitely worth keeping an eye out for. Don't go in expecting a perfect movie and you will enjoy what it does have to offer as there are some very good scenes, some less so. Overall it's a 3.5 to 4.0 star effort depending on your taste.

    October 17, 2021
  • JPV852

    Kind of a hollow grounded sci-fi film noir mystery yarn that features decent performances from Hugh Jackman, Rebecca Ferguson and Thandiwe Newton but the story wasn't terribly compelling and never quite believed the relationship between Jackman and Ferguson. Kind of ran out of steam early on and spent the remainder of the time not exactly interested in the mystery elements. I don't know, wanted to like it but highly doubtful I'd ever want to revisit. 2.75/5

    November 5, 2021
  • itsogs

    Less than I would have expected from the cast but I don't see it as a failure on their part. I guess I expected something more, although I am not sure what. This is slow entertainment with a few interesting segments but not enough to keep you awake if your only goal was to watch the movie. For me it was the story that failed because it was unbelievable, although I am sure there is an audience that would eat this up.⭐⭐⭐

    November 6, 2021
  • tmdb28039023

    Reminiscence is a movie where people buy the cow even though the milk is free. In an indeterminate future where Miami has become a Venice of the New World, Nick Bannister (Hugh Jackman) runs a business that uses technology to access the memories of people who want to relive their past.

    These people, mind you, do not suffer from amnesia; they're just too lazy and/or stupid to use their own brains not even to remember something as pedestrian as playing with a dog (heres an idea: buy another dog).

    We see the memories of Nick's clients as if they were home movies, which is very convenient but makes zero sense, considering that people don't remember things from a third person perspective; for example, if I wanted to remember watching Re...

    September 4, 2022


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