Set amidst the intrigues of Catherine de Medici's French court, this follows the young "Marie" (Mélanie Thierry) who is set to marry "Henri" (Gaspard Ulliel) from the powerful Guise family when her father does a deal and promises her to "Philippe" (Grégoire Leprince-Ringuet) instead. This sets the families Guise and Montpensier at each other's throats and leaves her in a loveless marriage with a man she doesn't even know, much less like. Meantime, the chivalrous "Chabannes" (Lambert Wilson) has had enough of the brutalities of war, deserted his post, and is returning home when a very timely intervention from "Philippe" - his pupil of many years ago - saves his life and takes him to the castle where "Marie" is now living. She's a bright and ...