Rebel Without a Cause

  • Drama

The bad boy from a good family.

After moving to a new town, troublemaking teen Jim Stark is supposed to have a clean slate, although being the new kid in town brings its own problems. While searching for some stability, Stark forms a bond with a disturbed classmate, Plato, and falls for local girl Judy. However, Judy is the girlfriend of neighborhood tough, Buzz. When Buzz violently confronts Jim and challenges him to a drag race, the new kid's real troubles begin.





  • FilipeManuelNeto

    An iconic, culturally significant film that helped immortalize James Dean.

    This is one of those classic films when the theme is teenage rebellion and generational clash. It is undoubtedly good, with a good story and good actors it is the film that marked James Dean's short career and continues to be a regular presence in classics cycles and specialty TV channels.

    The film explores quite well the difficult relationship between parents and their children within the wealthiest families, and the way in which this tension has a decisive influence on the latter's delinquent behavior. Living in homes where there is truly no love, but rather a well-organized routine, and where parental care is limited to material goods and the act of gi...

    March 14, 2024


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