Sons and Lovers

  • Drama

You'll never forget the young lovers in...

The son of a working-class British mining family has dreams of pursuing an art career, but when he strikes up an affair with an older, married woman from the town it enrages his kind but possessive mother.




  • Geronimo1967

    Dean Stockwell is on good form here, as the artistically talented "Paul" who lives with his miner father "Walter" (Trevor Howard) and mother (Wendy Hiller). When tragedy strikes their local mine, she is even more determined to ensure that this son does not go down the pit - and when "Hadlock" (Ernest Thesiger) offers him an opportunity to come to London and work - it looks like he might escape this dead-end existence. His dad, however, comes home drunk and he and his wife have an altercation that makes "Paul" stay put. Is he staying to protect her, or because he is really too afraid to cut the apron strings? Jack Cardiff really does lay the foundations for this story well; a good solid cast deliver a story with plenty of simultaneously runn...

    April 4, 2022


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