"David" (Romain Duris) is married to "Laura" (Isild Le Besco) and they are best pals with "Claire" (Anaïs Demoustier) and her husband "Gilles" (Raphaël Personnaz). All is going along nicely until a tragedy strikes poor old "David". The kindly "Claire" comes to visit him and his newborn baby "Lucie" and boy does she get a surprise! What now ensues is a little reminiscent of "Tootsie" (1982) as "Virginia" starts to emerge onto the scene and with the help of a somewhat perplexed "Claire" as his new best friend/life coach embarks on quite a journey that provides for some self-discovery all round. It does run out of steam a little towards the end when the comedy elements start to become subsumed into an increasingly contrived plot that doesn't q...