Bob Howard (Rob Corddry) is married to Susan (Alicia Silverstone). He wants to have a baby; she's not so sure, and rightly so a pregnancy at Silverstone's 43 years of age might be dangerous, not to mention that by the time the child turns 21, Corddry will be 70.
It slowly dawned on me that Corddry and Silverstone are, on paper, playing characters much younger than themselves. Bob and Susan attend couples therapy with Dr. Judy Small (Michaela Watkins), and Susan says she married her late first husband and had daughter Louisa (Anna Pniowsky) in college.
This would put her in her in the early-to-mid-30s range. She also says that Bob was 39 when they got married, and Bob says they've been married for three years, so he would be 42 instea...