Words on Bathroom Walls

  • Drama
  • Romance

If you can't trust your mind, trust your heart.

Diagnosed with a mental illness halfway through his senior year of high school, a witty, introspective teen struggles to keep it a secret while falling in love with a brilliant classmate who inspires him to open his heart and not be defined by his condition.





  • maketheSWITCH

    'Words on Bathroom Walls' succeeds by leaning on teen romance tropes to make schizophrenia a digestible topic, thanks to its fantastic cast and engaging narrative. While it's not to be viewed as the defining film on the topic, it's a great jumping-off point to launch a conversation, while being another great teen film about being okay to be different.

    • Chris dos Santos

    Read Chris' full article... https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/article/review-words-on-bathroom-walls-normalising-schizophrenia-for-the-main-stream

    December 1, 2020
  • Geronimo1967

    It can be very risky to try to encapsulate schizophrenia into a drama at the best of times, but to try and present it in a teen-friendly way adds an extra dimension to that challenge and that is really quite well handled by Charlie Plummer here. Adam lives with his mum on their own after his dad went awol. She (AnnaSophia Robb) already has to deal with having a teenage son, and reconcile that with her new boyfriend  Paul (Walton Coggins) just as he starts to succumb to voices in his head, to hallucinations and to behavioural difficulties. They manifest themselves on screen to us as something akin to pixies on his shoulder. These characterisations act as powerfully conflicting visual aides assisting us to begin to slightly comprehend just ho...

    February 21, 2025


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