Fifteen years ago, two teenage girls were murdered at Merrymaker Campgrounds. The case was filed an animal attack, the camp was condemned and the killer never found - but something horrific still waits in those woods.
Animal Among Us is a bad movie, no point beating around the bush on that one. But it's the sort of thing that had some notions at play, which, with a lot of work, and money, could have been... Maybe not good, but at least better.
Final rating:½: - Boring/disappointing. Avoid where possible.
Underrated summer camp mystery/slasher
A summer camp in the northeastern USA is reopening after it was shutdown 15 years earlier due to the mysterious deaths of a couple girls. The author of the book that made the camp famous is invited out for the celebration (Christian Oliver), but people start dying again. Larisa Oleynik & Christine Donlon run the camp while Don Frye plays their stepfather. Erin Daniels appears as the authors wife.
"Animal Among Us" (2019) is an Indie horror in the summer camp murder mold à la Madman (1981) and, of course, the 80s Friday the 13th flicks. Unlike those movies, however, its less of a slasher and the last act is twistier, which some criticize as convoluted.