At Stake: Vampire Solutions

  • Comedy
  • Horror

Support your local Vampire Exterminators.

Memphis film student, Evan Shandling, decides that his senior film should be about how the economy has effected local businesses. So with that in mind, Evan packs up his camera and heads south into North Mississippi to document one of the hardest hit and most dangerous jobs around, vampire removal. Embedding himself with the small vampire removal company, At Stake: Vampire Solutions (AS:VS), Evan documents, interview and goes on calls with AS:VS workers as they struggle to keep their business afloat and make it to the next day alive.





  • PaulSD49

    Low Budget but High Comedy

    Sorry, I suck at titles, lol. Full disclosure, I've been a fan of the AS:VS series since I first saw the 1st film at a film fest in Chicago. Really blew me away with the story, the characters, and ESPECIALLY the ending, but don't worry, no spoilers here.

    I recently found them again on Amazon Prime along with the sequel film and thought I'd show my support for the films on here because not a lot of people know about them.

    For me, the best way to describe the AS:VS films are a mix between the TV show Deadliest Catch and John Carpenter's Vampires. It's set in a world where there are vampires, but the vamps aren't super-powered, or taking over the world, their a menace. And instead of dealing with them yo...

    March 28, 2018
  • DeniseW

    Good Indie Comedy

    I may be a little biased as I'm a native Memphian which is where the film is set, but I really enjoyed this movie. The characters especially make the movie unique and really drew me in.

    I'd like to see what the filmmakers could do with a larger budget and more FX, but the story and character work is great as is the acting!

    March 29, 2018


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