
  • Romance
  • Drama
  • Mystery
  • Thriller


After a whirlwind romance with a wealthy widower, a naïve bride moves to his family estate but can't escape the haunting shadow of his late wife.





  • msbreviews

    If you enjoy reading my Spoiler-Free reviews, please follow my blog @

    Netflixs Rebecca is based on the 1938s novel of the same name written by Daphne du Maurier, but its not its first cinematic adaptation, which leads me to the following shameful statement: Ive never seen the famous Alfred Hitchcocks version of this story (nor have I read the novel, but I firmly defend that this doesnt matter). Its the only film of Hitchcocks filmography to have received the Best Picture award, so I admit that Im much at fault here. However, Ben Wheatley isnt directing a remake of the original movie, but rather another adaptation of the also incredibly popular novel. I was intrigued by the premise, and the cast is definitely c...

    October 21, 2020
  • CocoSea

    Splendid Remake!

    At the start, Wheatleys direction sails us around an elegant coastal hotel in this lavish period drama. With enviable period fashion and classic cars, a wicked, obtrusive employer is easily replaced by a quietly confident Maxim, handsomely and splendidly played by Mr. Hammer. How lucky is the beautiful (yet daunted) ladys companion to have met him. Or is shi?

    Mr. Hammers Maxim is not cocky or patronizing as Mr. Oliviers in 1940; Mr. Hammer is quite appealing at the start. Miss James offers as brilliant a performance as Joan Fontaines in 1940. I also prefer this pleasant and proper 2020 version (instead of the 1940 version). I expect as much from the British and from the lady and gentleman dance of the director (...

    January 4, 2024


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