The Lighthouse

  • Drama
  • Fantasy
  • Thriller




  • msbreviews

    If you enjoy reading my Spoiler-Free reviews, please follow my blog @

    I love weird movies. The seemingly awkward moments, the apparently nonsensical ambiguity, or simply the pure WTF sequences... All of these leave me deeply captivated by what the story and its filmmaker are trying to transmit to their viewers. The Lighthouse is the most recent addition to the group of psychological horror films that will make you think, "what the hell am I watching?" Nevertheless, this is one of the most accessible "weird flicks" since most of the story is easily explainable.

    Therefore, I hope this Robert Eggers' movie gets a successful home release. Usually, the general public heavily dislikes ambiguous films. Nowadays, p...

    January 13, 2020
  • MatthewL.Brady

    𝐾𝑒𝑒𝑝𝑖𝑛 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑠, 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑦𝑒?

    Time to spill the beansThe Lighthouse is a masterpiece! I loved loved loved loved it! I loved every minute of it. One of my favorite movies of 2019 and I honestly dont think anything can top it. A slow descent into madness that creeps into your subconscious and wont be leaving anytime soon.

    From the very first frame, I immediately knew this was going to be special. I was hooked throughout until the end credits.

    Willem Dafoe and Robert Pattinson both deliver career defining performances. They play off each others insanity beautifully. I could tell just from the accents and dialect that plenty of homework went into making an authentic portrayal of the time.

    Robert Pattinson is fantastic a...

    January 27, 2020
  • maketheSWITCH

    I was worried that my enormously high expectations for 'The Lighthouse' would set me up for inevitable disappointment, but to my relief and awe, it somehow exceeded them. This is an extraordinary, baffling, hypnotic, maddening, hilarious, disturbing, disorienting, arousing, absolute mindfuck of a film, drenched in mud and sweat and salt and booze and shit and semen and piss and blood, primal screams of rage and terror, the laughter of madmen and the sobs of the damned, the cry of seabirds and the roar of the sea and the cataclysm of gods and men at war. It haunts you long after it is over, swills in your mind like an aged whisky, and in the days since seeing it, I can't tell you how desperately I want to dive back in again. After delivering...

    February 1, 2020
  • Bertaut

    A superbly made film about madness, isolation, alcohol, a pissed off one-eyed seagull, and farts

    But, as we near'd the lonely Isle;

    And look'd up at the naked height;

    And saw the lighthouse towering white,

    With blinded lantern, that all night

    Had never shot a spark

    Of comfort through the dark,

    So ghastly in the cold sunlight

    It seem'd, that we were struck the while

    With wonder all too dread for words.

    • Wilfrid Wilson Gibson; "Flannan Isle" (1912)

    Lighthouses are endlessly suggestive signifiers of both human isolation and our ultimate connectedness to each other.

    • Virginia Woolf; To the Lighthouse (1927)

    _The isolation spins its mysterious cocoon, focusing th...

    February 16, 2020
  • SierraKiloBravo

    Click here for a video version of this review:

    Ive got no idea what I just watched, but I loved it - those were my exact words as the credits rolled on The Lighthouse.

    Id been chomping at the bit to watch this ever since seeing the first trailer, and recently its finally became available for rent on YouTube. Starring Willem Dafoe and Robert Pattinson? Whats this weird looking square framed black and white movie all about I hear you say? Heres the offical description:

    Two lighthouse keepers try to maintain their sanity while living on a remote and mysterious New England island in the 1890s.

    With the same director as The VVitch at the helm you get a very good idea of the madness that is about to ...

    July 7, 2020
  • jenkidoo

    A cinematic portrayal of the human condition that is as unpleasant as it is intriguing.

    September 12, 2020
  • insidemovies84

    Involving a storm, a small bit of cabin fever and a touch of lovecraftian mermaid mythos... comes 2019s feature The Lighthouse directed by Robert Eggers written in part by Maxwell Eggers originally loosely based off of Edgar Allan Poes last known bit of writing of basically the same name. Taking out the elements of Poe This film follows two men one older one younger played by Robert Pattinson and William Dafoe in some very different roles... Cut off from the public during the storm psychological and about the downward spiral and the madness that follows... when reality gets mixed with loneliness, greed And blatant disrespect of nature... Filmed in black-and-white like The Witch which is Robert Eggers previous feature as it is slow in its p...

    February 16, 2021
  • sporkproductions

    To me this is a perfect film. The emotional ebbs and flows of the narrative wash over you and one moment you're laughing then dread overwhelms you. It's expertly crafted both technically and artistically. Even the sound design lingered with me for days afterward.

    It's not a film for everyone. The narrative is far from typical, the dialogue is a heavy dialect, and it's one you have to be absorbed in. It's not a passive movie, it's one that challenges you to immerse yourself in it. But, if you're into something truly unique you will find this film to burrow deep into your psyche.

    August 13, 2021


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