The poem is a masterpiece of esoteric science-fiction literature; and this is an unexpectedly impressive adaptation with a chilling dénouement
We ride in our sarcophagus in silence,
no longer offering the planet violence
or spreading deathly quiet on our kind.
Here we can question freely, true
while the vessel Aniara_, gone askew_
in bleak tracts of space, leaves vile time behind.
- Harry Martinson; Aniara: en revy om människan i tid och rum [trans. Aniara: fragments of time and space] (1956); Canto 25
How tremendous outer space is,
h__ow huge its mystery,
how small a part I play.
- Harry Martinson; Aniara: en revy om människan i tid och rum; Canto 82
_In our immens...