One Little Indian

  • Family
  • Comedy
  • Western

A boy turned Indian, a trooper turned deserter and ROSIE, a camel turned IMPOSSIBLE!

An Army deserter flees by camel across the desert with a caucasian boy raised by Indians.



  • r96sk

    How boring.

    'One Little Indian' lasts for just 90 minutes but somehow feels much longer, the pacing is so slow; not helped by hardly any action or noteworthy event(s). The cast do alright, but the plot isn't interesting or well told; of course the idea is a heartwarming one, but never once does it really come through as that. Not sure the kid attempting to be Native American is necessary, either.

    I have zero issues with the onscreen talent themselves, James Garner (Clint), Vera Miles (Doris) and Clay O'Brien (Mark), among others, all give fine performances - could've been better, could've been worse. It's always cool seeing a future famous cast member when they were younger, Jodie Forster (Martha) in this case.

    All too mundane. A weak attempt, even if Disney have done worse.

    August 20, 2020


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