The Searchers

  • Western

He had to find her... he had to find her...

As a Civil War veteran spends years searching for a young niece captured by Indians, his motivation becomes increasingly questionable.





  • John Chard

    What makes a man to wander?

    Upon returning from a trip out to find cattle thieves, Ethan Edwards finds his brother and sister-in-law murdered by Comanches and their two daughters missing. Driven by a hatred of Indians, and a motive of some determination, Edwards and his part Indian companion set off to find the missing girls - it's a perilous journey that will span many years.

    The Searchers is one of the greatest Westerns ever made, in fact it's one of the finest pictures all told ever made. Its reputation as such is most definitely warranted, directed and photographed with almost peerless precision, The Searchers stands tall as a triumph of cinematic achievement. Plot wise the piece is really very basic, based on a novel by Alan LeMa...

    June 4, 2014
  • Wuchak

    Overrated Wayne Western with a young Jeffrey Hunter

    Released in 1956 and directed by John Ford, "The Searchers" chronicles the story of Ethan Edwards (John Wayne) who returns from the Civil War to his brother's ranch in the Southwest; and to his brother's wife, whom he secretly loves. After the ranch is raided by Comanches, Ethan and his 1/8 Indian nephew (Jeffrey Hunter) search for the band of Indians to get his captive niece back (Natalie Wood). As time passes and the niece assimilates with the Natives it's not certain if Ethan intends on rescuing the girl or killing her.

    Touted as a masterpiece and one of the greatest Westerns, I've seen "The Searchers" twice now and was disappointed each time. Sure, the Monument Valley locat...

    April 13, 2021
  • FilipeManuelNeto

    An interesting film, very well made, but with a weak script.

    This is one of those old Western movies where the cowboy figure is glorified as the epitome of the common American hero, the women are helpless youths waiting for a gunslinger to keep them safe, the West is a lawless land where everyone does their own thing. whatever and the natives in this case, the Comanche are true terrorists, whom it is lawful to persecute and kill because they commit serial atrocities.

    I'm not going to get into any thoughts about the moral of the film or how it views not only Native Americans but women as well. Nowadays, there is no shortage of moral police officers to rewrite books, defend more inclusive neutral languages, throw statues of histor...

    August 12, 2023
  • Geronimo1967

    Fabulously framed against a backdrop of Monument Valley; this is a most cinematic experience. John Wayne leads in this classic story of a man whose family are murdered/kidnapped by Comanches and of his subsequent search for his family and for vengeance. Jeffery Hunter plays his nephew "Martin" with considerable skill and emotion and Ward Bond is another who knows how to get the best from Frank Nugent's screenplay. The plaudits that have since been paid to Wayne and to John Ford are well deserved. The 'Duke" does incorporate compassion and emotion into his usual swaggering macho delivery and Ford directs this adventure movie with an eye to the very distinctive humanity of the story. The days of the "Western" are well over now, but the best o...

    June 9, 2024


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