Broken Arrow

  • Western
  • Romance

The most powerful weapon is courage...

Indian scout Tom Jeffords is sent out to stem the war between the Whites and Apaches in the late 1870s. He learns that the Indians kill only to protect themselves, or out of retaliation for white atrocities.





  • John Chard

    To talk of peace is not hard. To live it is very hard.

    As the war rages between the American settlers and the Apache, former soldier Tom Jeffords happens upon a young Indian wounded after an attack. Taking upon himself to aid the boy, it's not long before the Apache show up intent on killing Jeffords by way of the war instincts. Pleading for Jeffords' life, the boy manages to get him spared by the Apache chief, Cochise. It's the start of a friendship that may just bring and end to the war and peace across the west.

    Tho not the first "social" Western film made, Broken Arrow, it can be argued, is maybe one of the most important and telling genre films of the 50s. Showing humanist portrayals of the Apache and dealing out level headed tel...

    February 18, 2017
  • Geronimo1967

    If you're looking for a traditional cowboys and indians film, then this might not be for you. Sure, there are the odd confrontations between the ever expanding white man and the Apache braves, but this is essentially a more cerebral look at the efforts both sides made to find an enduring peaceful solution. After months of no stagecoach and mail getting through, a pretty lightweight James Stewart ("Tom Jeffords") decides to try to find a better solution to their problems than the stalemate series of skirmishes between the two sides. He learns some basic Apache and goes off in search of their leader Cochise (Oscar nominated Jeff Chandler). After the usual scepticism, the two men agree to let the mail run. From then on, their trust begins to g...

    December 27, 2022


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