Pale Rider

  • Western
  • Drama

...and hell followed with him.

A mysterious preacher protects a humble prospector village from a greedy mining company trying to encroach on their land.





  • John Chard

    You can't beat a good bit of Hickory.

    The opening to Pale Rider is just excellent, at first all is calm and serene, but then the peace is shattered by the thundering of hooves. A group of men employed by Coy LaHood, tear thru a small mining community, shooting guns and trampling over all in their way. During this callous act of bullying, one of the men shoots and kills young Megan's dog. When Megan buries her beloved pet, she calls to god to send someone to help them against the greedy LaHood, because LaHood is intent on stripping the locals of their claims, and he literally will stop at nothing to get them. Later on Megan is reading from the bible, she reads aloud to her mother about "beholding a pale horse and that the man who sat on i...

    March 21, 2014
  • r96sk

    This is a good'un.

    'Pale Rider' features an enjoyable story featuring the gold rush, while the characters are all solid - Clint Eastwood gives a strong performance in the lead role, though I would've liked to have seen more of John Russell and his character.

    I don't think it's perfect or anything, but I got entertainment from it and that's enough for me - I've not got much more to note.

    February 1, 2022


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