The Ward

  • Horror
  • Mystery
  • Thriller

Only Sanity Can Keep You Alive!

Kristen, a troubled young woman, is captured by the police after burning down a farmhouse and is locked in the North Bend Psychiatric Hospital. Soon, she begins to suspect that the place has a dark secret at its core and she's determined to find out what it is.





  • John Chard

    Listen, don't let this place get to you. You stay locked up long enough and you start to believe that you're nuts.

    After a gap of nine years, horror legend John Carpenter returned to the movie screen directors chair for this solid if unspectacular horror movie. Though some of the critical reactions to it stink of an over expectation for a return to his former glories, the plain fact is that it's just safe horror film making.

    Plot finds Amber Heard (The Stepfather/All the Boys Love Mandy Lane) as troubled arsonist Kristen. Shunted into a mental institution post haste, Kristen finds herself menaced by a violent ghost that seems intent on ridding the ward of all its female inhabitants.

    And there you have it, a bunch of hopelessly pr...

    March 30, 2015


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