Good enough.
It doesn't come close to Disney's other film from the 1990s featuring Mark Twain's Huckleberry, 'The Adventures of Huck Finn'. In fairness, this one is more about Tom Sawyer than Huck, which is pleasing given they already portrayed Huck just two years prior.
The actor who depicts the latterly named character is Brad Renfro, who isn't all that to be truthful; he's fine, just not memorable at all. Jonathan Taylor Thomas, meanwhile, plays Tom and he is, probably, the best part of this production. He's cheekiness works well for the role. Elsewhere, Eric Schweig (Injun Joe) makes for a decent bad guy.
I like the vibe of 'Tom and Huck', I think it could've done without the love story but that doesn't hamper things much. I wo...