The Big Picture

  • Comedy
  • Romance

Film school prepared Nick for everything... everything but Hollywood.

Hollywood beckons for recent film school grad Nick Chapman, who is out to capitalize on the momentum from his national award-winning student film. Studio executive Allen Habel seduces Nick with a dream deal to make his first feature, but once production gets rolling, corporate reality begins to intervene: Nick is unable to control a series of compromises to his high-minded vision, and it's all he can do to maintain his integrity in the midst of filmmaking chaos.





  • Wuchak

    Satire on Hollywood and the filmmaking process with Kevin Bacon

    After a film student from Ohio (Bacon) wins an award for his short movie at the film institute in Los Angeles, he has to carefully traverse the minefield of the system to get his artistic vision made. JT Walsh plays a manipulative producer and Martin Short a dubious agent.

    The Big Picture (1989) is an amusing look at the moviemaking process in Hollywood. The humor is mostly droll or quirky and viewers not up on the business might not relate to some of it, which could explain why the flick flopped at the box office. I wouldnt want to blow time & money on seeing it at the theater, but it works well enough for home viewing on a quiet night or whatever.

    Winsome Emily...

    April 10, 2024


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