Assassination Nation

  • Thriller
  • Horror
  • Comedy




  • Ruuz

    Bit of an odd one, good odd. The sort of thing that'd usually earn all of its points out of pure catharsis, but is to confronting to be any way actually cathartic, and hits the message over and over again instead, which normally I hate, but Assassination Nation works because of the hate. It's a very hateful movie, with just a sliver of what you might have expected it would be like based on the trailer right at the very end, but otherwise, grim.

    In a good way though. A way that works, makes you think, but still has all #TheAesthetic you can shake a stick at, it just makes you feel bad for shaking that stick. Do you like The Purge but feel that the mirror it holds up is too general? Wanna feel bad about feeling good? Give _Assassinatio...

    January 20, 2019
  • Bertaut

    Hilarious, disturbing, and unexpectedly intelligent (if you don't get too triggered)

    _I remember the Sony hack and the leak of all those actresses' private photos. I always remember, it's like, you read some article and in the article, they just link to it. Here's the link to read this person's emails, this person's photos. What fascinated me about it - and also troubled me about it - was the industry that hacks and leaks create. The sheer economics of it. They tend to outweigh everything else. Even if you're writing a think piece against it, against this invasion of privacy, they'r__e literally still linking to it because they know it will garner clicks. This idea kept playing over and over in my head. We as a country, our lust ...

    June 29, 2019
  • SoSmooth1982

    I would have to say this is probably my least favorite out of the series. It is funny but I'd rather watch the chipmunks get into mischief then his girlfriends son being jelly.

    July 3, 2023
  • SoSmooth1982

    Crazy ass movie. What people can really be driven to do when necessary is crazy. I liked this movie.

    July 3, 2023
  • chandlerdanier

    I"m getting ham-fisted over the head by a dead horse. I'm so fucking clever you couldn't ever get it and I like Quentin Tarantino and know about all the movies that inspired him.

    Because of my insane intelligence, I know these women are empowered. Not all men are bad. My large brain does find the whole thing a little unbelievable. They didn't set up the apocalypse as well as Beyond Thunderdome.

    July 1, 2024


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