The Call of the Wild

  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Drama
  • Family
  • Western


John Thornton, is a fearless man who's after more than gold; he wants to do what's right. Thornton works for the U.S. mail and is the only person daring and smart enough to figure out how to travel the deadly 600 miles from Skagway to Dawson, Alaska in the icy winter. His incredibly dog Buck is by his side and part of how he survives.




  • Wuchak

    Euro version of Jack Londons classic with Charlton Heston

    During the Klondike Gold Rush of 1897, two mail dispatchers travel by dog sled from Skagway, on the coast of southeast Alaska, to Dawson City over 400 miles north in the Yukon. One of the sled dogs, Buck, is fresh from California with no experience in snowy weather. Thorton (Heston) unwisely makes an enemy of the town mogul (George Eastman) while getting friendly with a beautiful saloon proprietor (Michèle Mercier).

    The Call of the Wild (1972) is a surprisingly good wilderness adventure with spectacular locations that could pass for a Western in the mold of North to Alaska (1960), albeit minus the slapstick humor. The later North Star (1996) and The Claim (2000) also come...

    August 11, 2023


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