
  • Horror
  • Thriller

You never forget your first kill.

A maniacal clown named Art terrorizes three young women on Halloween night and everyone else who stands in his way.





  • losman94

    Terrifier is a gory movie with a sadistic killer clown that revels in mutilating his victims in creative ways and willing to use any kind of improvised weapon as well as one not often seen in slasher movies. The movie makes effective use of practical effects and the gory murders are graphic enough to make you know this movie means business. David Howard Thornton stars as Art the Clown and his portrayal is devilishly effective as a villain who is mute and must use facial gestures to express himself in his ghoulish clown makeup. The story is the usual cat and mouse variety but this film is more about watching Art capture, torture and mutilate his victims. Terrifier is an effective and bloody slasher film that follows the usual formula of 1980...

    July 21, 2019
  • TitanGusang

    Terrifier had a lot of hype behind it with its very successful sequel hitting theaters this month, and unfortunately it did not translate to a pleasurable viewing experience. Before I jump into my criticisms of the film, the on-screen quality of visuals and effects were top notch for a budget of a mere $25,000. It is amazing what this crew was able to do with their conditions and everyone involved should be proud. With that being said, the limited budget does not give excuses for a poor script, dialogue and performances. This movie had a tremendous amount of cringe with perverted dialogue that seemed as if a middle schooler wrote it. The performances were campy, but not in a good way. In classic horror films the camp has a sense of nostal...

    October 17, 2022


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