Tetsuo: The Iron Man

  • Horror
  • Science Fiction


A "metal fetishist", driven mad by the maggots wriggling in the wound he's made to embed metal into his flesh, runs out into the night and is accidentally run down by a Japanese businessman and his girlfriend. The pair dispose of the corpse in hopes of quietly moving on with their lives. However, the businessman soon finds that he is now plagued by a vicious curse that transforms his flesh into iron.





  • Simian Jack

    The penis is evil. - Zardoz

    When was the last time your city was torn apart by a towering metal penis?

    A button-down wage earner and his girlfriend are driving in the city when they hit a man. They then cart him to a field and dump him. Seems the two were having sex while driving, and their hit-&-run arouses them still further until they are having sex at the scene in the full knowledge that their (presumably dying) victim is watching them.

    The next morning, salaryman finds his cheek has sprouted a shiny metal zit. Soon he'll be having scary encounters with transformed strangers and having sexually charged nightmares of his girlfriend as a demonic hermaphrodite (or at least sporting a bionic strap-on of more than regular size).


    February 8, 2017
  • CharlesTatum

    Just another Japanese-language, surreal, horrifying, chilling, gross, sadistic, industrial sixty seven minute nightmare in glorious black and white. What can I say about the plot? A victim of a hit-and-run accident has his revenge on the couple that ran him over. That sounds like a pitch to an average Hollywood movie, and it has been done, but "Tetsuo: The Iron Man" quickly leaves all safe Hollywood ingredients in its wake. The victim somehow gets the male driver to slowly turn into a raging machine. It starts with a small wire sticking out of his cheek. Soon, he is being chased in a subway terminal by a woman with the mechanical affliction. He escapes her, but still tries to make it with his girlfriend. In the film's most horrific scenes, ...

    September 30, 2023


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