Revenge of the Creature

  • Science Fiction
  • Adventure
  • Horror

All New Thrills! Shocks! Suspense!

In a tributary of the Amazon, a monster – half-man, half-fish – is captured and placed in a reservoir in a Florida national park to be observed by scientists.





  • Wuchak

    Pedestrian retread

    Released in 1955, "Revenge of the Creature" is an unimaginative reworking of the hit Universal film from the previous year, Creature from the Black Lagoon. The plot is the same: An expedition ventures to the remote backwaters of the Amazon and returns to Florida with a prehistoric man-fish, supposedly the last of its kind, but the Gill-man and civilization dont mix well. To make matters worse, the creature needs a whoa-man and sets its eyes on a lovely ichthyologist (Lori Nelson). The animal psychologist working with the creature (John Agar) assists authorities to save her and recapture the Gill-man.

    Ms. Nelson makes for a quality substitute for Julia Adams with Ginger Stanley doing stunt work for both; meanwh...

    July 3, 2020
  • r96sk

    A largely disappointing follow-up to 'Creature from the Black Lagoon'.

    'Revenge of the Creature' attempts some positives, with an intention to see how the Gill-man behaves, but for the majority it's a repeat of the very good 1954 film - just in the United States, rather than Brazil. It's all pretty lacklustre in my opinion.

    Neat to have Nestor Paiva, who I liked in the original, back, though he is the only main character (not counting Ricou Browning) to reprise their role. The newbies are alright, though do feel like carbon copies of the '54 trio - Lori Nelson is the pick here. Another cast member is a certain Clint Eastwood, who has a minor if decent cameo for his screen debut here - more on Mr. Eastwood below...

    Overall, it's a t...

    January 1, 2022


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