Little did cinema realize when it happened just how much Sergio Leone's first two entries of 'The Man With No Name' trilogy, in making spaghetti-western versions of Akira Kurosawa's 'Yojimbo' and 'Sanjuro', would be an influence, today, 50-odd years later. It could be said that in the fervor of Italian directors going from one filmmaking trend to the next (from the neorealist agenda of 'Ossessione' and 'Rome, Open City', to swords-and-sandals epics, then spaghetti westerns, then the crime films of the 70's, then space invasion films, such as this, after the huge global success of Sir Ridley Scott's 'Alien' and George Lucas' 'Star Wars') has had almost as much an influence on cinema as the groundbreaking game-changers that initiated this mas...