
  • Drama

A Musical Fantasy Ringing of Truth & Filled With Mystery & Love

Things are not going well in the depression-era town of Castle Gate. Mr. Ribaldi, a mysterious rich man with a disfigured face and an abrasive personality, has just bought and moved into a long-vacant mansion. Bonnie, an adolescent girl who loves to sing, ends up working for Ribaldi so that her family can stay in their house. But Ribaldi is quite an accomplished musician himself, and he is soon giving Bonnie voice lessons. Meanwhile, local businesses are being shut down by foreclosures, and the townspeople suspect Ribaldi is responsible.




  • FilmAppreciationMaster

    This is a great gee-dern movie and I really feel it doesn't get the respect it deserves here on tmdb. I watched this as a child many times and it's done a lot to make me the man I am today. If the movie had slightly better reviews, perhaps my wife would watch it and actually understand it! I am ribaldi. I just am. There is no more ribaldi character in the history of mankind than I am. It's like beauty and the beast, but more accurate. More realistic. More "now". This is the global political and economic climate of our generation, and I am pissed that more people do not know. I am so angry! I cannot speak to the origin of the film, in a more "secular" environment than the film's ultimate destination - - into a highly religion-conscious home....

    June 16, 2023


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