If Anand Shankar's previous film Arima Nambi had echoes of K Bhagyaraj's Rudhra, the set-up of his Iru Mugan recalls that of Kamal Haasan's Vikram. An intelligence officer is tasked with investigating and foiling a nefarious plot. The mastermind behind the plot is the man who killed his wife, and he is now conducting his operation from a foreign nation. So, the officer has to go there with a female sidekick in tow and save the day. Here, it is Akilan (Vikram, with beard), a RAW agent who goes after Malaysia to capture Love (Vikram, with prosthetics), an anarchist and a brilliant knowledge about chemicals, to avenge the murder of his wife Meera (Nayanthara, whose character feels underwritten despite a terrific twist). He is accompanied on th...