There have been plenty of on-screen adaptations of this story - it lends itself well to a screen. The eponymous lass (Jennifer Edwards) is palmed off on her reclusive grandfather (Sir Michael Redgrave) atop a mountain, with only him, some goats and the young "Peter" (John Moulder-Brown) for company. She is a charming young girl who soon manages to crack the erstwhile impervious shield of the old man before her wealthy uncle "Richard" (Maximilian Schell) sends word that he will care for her at his Frankfurt home. Once there she quickly befriends his housekeeper "Frauline Rottenmeir" (Jean Simmons) and his bedridden young daughter "Klara" (Zuleika Robson) and slowly a family starts to emerge and to thrive - culminating in a perfect holiday on...