The Ape Man

  • Horror
  • Science Fiction

No one is safe from the cruel desires of this inhuman fiend!

A scientist is turned into an ape man.




  • John Chard

    Bela Goes Ape!

    William Beaudine directs and Bela Lugosi stars in this cheapie horror that finds Lugosi as a mad scientist who has transformed himself into an ape man hybrid. Cue more mad science as Lugosi and his pet gorilla go on a killing spree in search of the spinal fluid that may cure Lugosi of his ills...

    It's not to be taken seriously, of course, since it's all very goofy and over melodramatic. Lugosi does turn in some genuine moments of acting that hold the attention, whilst an array of energetic characters buzz in and out of the story. The science is nutty and the means and motives of Lugosi's initial experiments are left floating up where Dandelo the cat would eventually wind up. But it's a short piece that doesn't hang arou...

    October 23, 2015


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