3 Braves

  • Family
  • Animation
  • Adventure
  • Action
  • Fantasy


Three Braves is the story of three extraordinary children who rise from the most unlikeliest of places and save their town from the evils plague it. Equipped with courage and super powers,11 year old Amna, Saadi and Kamil battle against the odds and stand up to injustice to restore peace and harmony in their once thriving community And live a very happy life.





  • jawadasif54

    In the erstwhile onscreen battle between good and evil, the heroes always win, managing to overpower the diabolical, powerful villain.

    We all know that and weve seen it in movies umpteen times. Question is, would we like to see it again, in Pakistans first-ever animated venture, Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy and Waadi Animations 3 Bahadur?

    For anybody who loves a good, well-told story, the answer would have to be yes, the crowd that gathered for the film's Karachi premiere seemed to agree.

    The crux behind 3 Bahadur may be the age-old fight between good and evil, but the plot itself has been twisted, tweaked and peppered with humor, song and action so that it does not appear hackneyed. Cleverly molded, carefully constructed and ca...

    November 10, 2016


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