
  • Thriller
  • Drama


A thriller that depicts how digital communication, pornography and vanity obstruct true emotions and love.



      • Rangan

        The things to avoid in an open relationship!

        A film about an open relationship and one losing it in the way to find himself trapped inside filled with jealousy. Really a great idea, I have seen similar films from the European and Hollywood, but this one had potential to be different and it could not. It is very confusing. Not just for the viewers, seems even the writers did not know how to end the tale after great initiation. Actually, I was not expecting any clever twist towards the end, but this story failed to deliver even a normal ending. So I'm very disappointed with how it finishes it off without proper reasoning.

        The title was a mislead. You have to wait till the finale to understand it, it was also not that effective. The ...

        November 4, 2016
