Nina Forever

  • Horror
  • Comedy
  • Romance

A fucked up fairy tale

Holly loves Rob and tries to help him through his grief – even if it means contending with his dead girlfriend Nina, who comes back, bloody and broken, every time they make love




  • Rangan

    Some people never let go your hand!

    We ask for the fresh ideas and here is the one. This British film was not totally innovative, at least it tried to be different. This horror-comedy was directed by two brothers and it was theirs first feature film. This is the story of two who meet working in a supermarket. The 19 years old Holly and in his 20s, Rob, they instantly fall in love with their first encounter. But there's a problem that they can't sleep together, if they do, then Rob's dead girlfriend appear. So the reason for it and the solution if there is one, is what the rest of the film covers.

    It was a little slow, though entertaining. Not a bad storyline, they developed it decently, but the twist was so ordinary. Nothing like ...

    December 14, 2016
  • Geronimo1967

    We start at the scene of a nasty road accident where a fatality is bound to be on the cards. Meantime, "Holly" (Abigail Hardingham) is splitting up with her boyfriend "David" (Javan Hirst). She works in a supermarket and that's where she encounters "Rob" (Cian Barry) and we've sort of come full circle. His long-term girlfriend "Nina" (Fiona O'Shaughnessy) was the victim of the crash. It doesn't take them long before they get down to some furious jogging but in flagrante delicto, guess who appears? Yep - it's the ex herself. Spooky, eh? Blood is soon everywhere which "Holly" can also see - so no wonder she scarpers. "Rob" has to clean up all this mess and find himself a never ending supply of sheets (and possibly a new laundrette) because th...

    April 6, 2024


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